Inverter is a kind of converter that can convert input DC power into AC power 110V or 220V and it is smal easy to use and can be worked in stable performance
Grid Tie Inverter is generally divided into PV grid tie inverterwind grid tie inverter power equipment grid tie inverter and other power generation grid tie inverter

Differences between grid tie inverter and off-grid inverter:
1.Off-grid inverter as implied by the name it is not connected with power grid.First the solar panels store the power generated in the batteries and then the off-grid inverter convert the DC in the batteries into AC 110V or 220V to the load
2.Grid tie inverter convert the DC generated by the solar panels directly into AC to the grid without being stored by the batteries.
Characteristics of MINI wind grid tie inverter produced by Zhongce Electronics:
Build in rectifier
Build in dump load controller
Build in high wind protection
Wind grid tie inverter can transfer the wind energy generated by wind generator directly into standard AC without using extra equipment It can be connected to outlets and matches the waveform phase and frequency of home grid automatically.